Gary Allen Lafave, Headstone of Gary Allen Lafave (1944 - 2009), memorial

Gary Allen Lafave (1944-2009) *65

The grave site of Gary Allen Lafave / Plot 66237064. This memorial website was created in memory of Gary Allen Lafave, 65, born on March 19, 1944 and passed away on May 18, 2009.

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Comments and discussion

Sheree Lynn Korwes Language: English Report abuse

Gary was an amazing Father Grandfather To all of us for yrs and we missed him dearly u sit and run your mouth on his memorial page shows what kind of person u are !! No mention of u that was Gary wishes not my moms and the property that u paid for u mean Gary was paying for and mom just paid an attorney to get it out of her name last yr cause u wouldnt Gary choices were his and u should keep your mouth shut about my mom shes deserves everything she has and is a wonderful person and her day will come u got something to say call me tammy and How dare u say urt dad is probly in hell He is one of the best men that ever came into my and my boys lifes and doesnt deserve for u to run your mouth on a memorial page for him Look in the mirror when words r running out your mouth cause u should be talking to urself !!

Tamara Lynn Lafave-Straw Language: English Report abuse

I considered adding a photo, since nobody has added one - However, the only photos I have of my Father are of Him & I at my wedding, Him & my daughter (his granddaughter, Danyell), or of Him with his 1st Grandson (my son, Dylan) - But then I recall that "Oh so Horrible Obituary that was brought to me the day I learned of my Father's death... The obituary that had absolutely NO mention of "me"?! All because I simply pursued retrieving property in which I had been paying for (obviously proven to & thru the courts) for almost ten years?? Wow - I cannot imagine a "Mother" pushing or even supporting ANY Father who had already abandoned his daughter several times throughout the years, to not only cut HER out of his life, but to abandon his two grandchildren?? Well, what goes around, eventually DOES come around and unfortunately for her, her day will come & I'm very sorry for that because NOBODY deserves to be treated anywhere near the way "I" was treated when my Dad passed away. Hardest part is - I don't know WHO I should be angry with... Him? My Cold-Hearted Mental Sister? Or His Money-grubbing Selfish Wife?? I guess I'll wait till MY day comes & just hope that he's not where "I" believe he is, so I can talk to HIM directly. Although, I DO get these odd feelings every so often when I look DOWN - and feel as if he's FINALLY for the first time EVER - Looking UP at me instead of looking down on me as he did my entire life?! :-{


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